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The art and craft chez Copper Catkin, part 3

​Maker-made home decor

​We love to fill our home with art, craft, and decorations made by local makers.
We continue our tour of the house, which started with the art and craft chez Copper Catkin part 1, and continued in part 2.

​From kitchen to dining

We step through from the kitchen into the dining room, where we have a mixture of 1970s Etruscan prints from the Tomb of the Augurs, hand-painted Greek musuem copies, Persian prints in hand-enamelled frames, sculptures from our wedding, and the other set of whio from our laser cut designs.

Copy of a Theran wall painting (Santorini) – click for more info


Diving whio #2


Our wedding cake stand, turned into a plant stand – click to read about it


Persian and Etruscan art that has been on my walls my whole life

​The living areas – the lounge

​We have handmade goodness throughout the house, particularly where we spend the most time. The cushions on the couches are an assortment of handmade and custom-printed, with some souvenirs and some old memories, too. It faces my plant shelf, with my succulents in test-tubes and flasks from What The Fox.

My crafting nook, with some of my cushion collection


My propagation station

​And here we have a clock featuring a design I did to celebrate and thank our wedding attendees, showing the wedding party and our close families in costume as paper dolls, and a moody photo of 15-year-old me that actually won a prize.

The photographer stopped us in Cuba Mall and asked us to pose, which we did with all the teenage angst we could muster. Years later, we were both working on King John, that year’s Summer Shakespeare, when he recognised me and gifted me a print.

​Under the photo are two out-of-date calendars, one of Samoan birds, and one with an actual piece of hand-woven rug from the lady who repaired my Persian carpet.

The other lounge

​In the other living space, which we are mainly using for sorting, we also have our wedding centrepiece. Click on the photos to read about how we made it.
​On the walls behind the crafting nook are the two parts of my Sir Peter Blake mixed media artwork painted in 2009, chronicling his career via the types of craft he sailed.
In the hallway, we have our laser-cut and hand-painted kererū, and an exciting new calendar by Melissa Boardman.

The rest of the house

When it has finished doing duty at markets as a thread-painting example, we will also have my kererū​ embroidery on the wall in here.
​In my office, I have a Zamm Lights lamp and a souvenir plate from Samoa, and in the spare room, we have a cute leaf cushion from Knack craft market, and a crocheted blanket for guests (because I always feel colder at other people’s houses, don’t you?).

Outdoor art

​I absolutely love to have my garden full of art and solar lighting, but as we are moving, we have been very restrained and only decorated with this lovely kererū pair by Metalbird New Zealand. It’s so very beautiful.

​The front gate​

​We spent some considerable time in consultation with LisaSarah Steel Designs to get our custom numbers made (the delays were all at our end), and then we had to wait even longer for the wall to be painted so that we could put them up, but we finally got there.
​The wall is curved, and the sun was going down by the time we had finished, but no way was I missing out on a photo to commemorate it on the day, lol. 



In situ, in bright sunlight




Context shot

Thanks for joining us for a little tour – we have so much good stuff that we bought from so many talented people over years of collecting. It’s been really lovely to go through photos and walk around the house, really looking at what we have. I am very grateful for the opportunity to make my home feel beautiful and support local makers, and I look forward to adding to our collection in the next home, too!